Happy Day After Christmas! Also known as…Boxing Day!
I hope you’ve been enjoying your holidays and spending time with people you love and/or doing the things you enjoy. I have a lot to be thankful for this month, including a little move we just completed, the fact we’re still cold- and flu-free (knock on wood), and the end to a great year. Take a look below at some of the highlights and some random things I’ve been loving.
December 2018 Favorites
The End of Our Move to Chicago – After 4.5 days and over 2,000 miles of driving, we have FINALLY arrived in the Chicago area! We saw a whole lot of desert, mountains, fields, and cows during our journey through the southern route from San Diego to northern Illinois. The road trip went really well, and we were lucky to have great weather the entire time, but we’re relieved to finally be done and spending time with family for the holidays.
Let You Love Me by Rita Ora – I never knew how much I liked Rita Ora until I heard this song. Can’t. Stop. Playing.
Motion Photo Setting on Android – I accidentally discovered this feature on my phone earlier this year. If you have an Android and turn the feature on, any picture you take will actually have a mini video filmed for a few seconds after you click the button. It really comes in handy if you’re trying to catch a precise moment (like Matt heel clicking below) or are picky about photos. More often than not, you’ll find there’s a better frame in there than if you had only captured one image.
Stack of Books I’ve Read – I’m super proud of all the books I read over the past year. Thanks to setting and following one of my goals for 2018, I made sure to always be working on a book. The only way I was able to make this happen was to start a new habit of reading for bed every night. Some books I read faster than others, but I’m proud to report I read a total of 8 books.
Tidal Wave by Portugal. The Man – I know I shared a song by Portugal. The Man. in my November 2018 favorites, but I had to share another one because it’s in my newer rotation of songs I’m loving.
Zinc Tablets – Everyone has their own products they swear by for preventing or treating colds. I’ve used zinc-based products in the past (i.e., lozenges and spray), but after trying this generic-brand zinc tablet, I definitely prefer how much faster and more convenient these are. Before we started our road trip last week, Matt and I both thought we were getting sick at one point, so we both started religiously taking these. Neither of us had symptoms for more than a few days, so I guess you could say I’m a believer in the zinc supplements!
Christmas Playlist – A silver lining to our 5-day road trip? Lots of time for Christmas music! Even though radio stations were going in and out, there was pretty much always a holiday-themed station that came in. And when that didn’t work well, it was nice to stream some of my premade music playlists, including my Christmas Music Playlist.
Touchdown Celebrations – This I’m not usually big into football (though I’m trying to like it), but I just can’t get over the touchdown celebrations happening lately. Apparently the rules changed within the past couple years allowing players to celebrate more. Well I am in FULL support of this because they are absolutely hilarious. Although I’m a Bears fan, I’ve found the Vikings to be especially entertaining.
Trey Kennedy -This musician/comedian is ridiculous and wonderful. I thought I shared his “Girls during fall be like..” video, but since I apparently didn’t on here, I feel the need to share his Christmas version.
Did you like The Happiness Project? I have a few of her books on my “wish” list. I listen to her podcast sometimes and enjoy it. Do you have a goal for this year? I’m going to try to read/listen to 24. We will see… I think I only read 3 and listened to 4 this year.
I liked The Happiness Project and didn’t regret reading it, but it wasn’t really life-changing or anything. Towards the end I started to lose interest, but I still thought it was worth reading. I liked how she made small goals each month to address different areas of her life that weren’t really making her happy. That was one of the first books I read this year, though, so I can’t remember everything haha.