I started my day yesterday looking out the window and admiring the massive snow flakes coming down. The changing of the seasons is always an exciting time—it’s when the unpleasant weather drags on that it starts to get a bit old. But for now, I’m all about the peaceful and beautiful setting that fresh snow creates. And that leads me to…
We’re one month away from Christmas! I’m lucky enough to have Friday off of work, so I’ll be decking the halls (and the rest of our house) with the holiday decor we have. It’s been tempting to embrace the season early, but I’m proud of myself for holding onto the fall and Thanksgiving spirit before rushing into Christmas mode (though I don’t blame anyone for wanting the holiday spirit earlier this year).

In honor of tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I’m sharing some favorites related to that (with mentions of Christmas sneaking in toward the end). But also, I’ve compiled some underrated ways we’ve been keeping ourselves entertained lately. Keep reading for all my favorite things!
November Favorites
Upcoming Food Holidays – Even if we don’t spend certain holidays with family this year, I’m still looking forward to cooking up some festive foods to mark the occasions. For Thanksgiving this year, we plan to create a simple menu for ourselves, including a simplified and smaller version of the Herb-Roasted Turkey, some mashed potatoes, green beans, and canned cranberry sauce (obviously). If you need some inspo, I shared 10 Dishes to Make for Thanksgiving, but if you’re cooking a bird, make sure you’re following the key rules of turkey safety!

Super Mario Brothers – Our library is getting to know us pretty well, because in addition to exploring the book and movie sections, we’ve discovered that we can check out video games. By far the best one Matt’s found is Super Mario Brothers on Wii. Yes, we still use our Wii because we lead thrilling lives haha. Super Mario games hold a special place in my heart, so this has been a fun world to revisit.

Matchgame – Speaking of leading a thrilling life, if you come to our house in the middle of a weekend day, there’s a decent chance you’ll find the show Matchgame 74 (or another year) on our TV. I think it’s hilarious how often we have this on in the background (or sometimes foreground), but since we don’t have cable (just an antenna) and don’t always feel like streaming a show, this has become a new favorite of ours (and it seems to always be on). I personally love Brett, but they’re all very entertaining.

Armor by Sara Bareilles – Love me some Sara Bareilles. This song randomly came on my Spotify recently, and it stuck out to me.
Bitchin’ Sauce – We first tried this sauce in San Diego at the Little Italy Farmer’s Market, and we really enjoyed it. Fast forward to a few months ago; we spotted it in our local Target here and were super excited. It’s a vegan, almond-based dip that’s delicious with chips, veggies, and on sandwiches. Chipotle is way better than the original, in my opinion.

Tips for Minimalist Living – This article—5 Mindful Habits that Lead to a Minimalist Home—resonated with me because, especially working from home, I hate being surrounded by clutter and mess all day. So I try to limit how much stuff I’m bringing into the house and also stay on top of the things that tend to pile up. Having my surroundings in order makes me feel refreshed and helps me think straight.

Black Friday Deals – I’ve never cared too much about Black Friday—especially going to stores on the day. But considering I’ve been trying to limit my optional outings to stores lately (#COVID), I could use the help this year with getting some Christmas gifts for family. Some of the stores I like that have deals already happening online include Old Navy (everything 50% off), Gap (everything 50% off + additional 10% off), Francesca’s (deals up to 50% off), and Shutterfly (almost everything 50% off).

Shopping Small – And let’s not forget all of the amazing small local businesses and online shops that have great options! My go-to for shopping small is Etsy (especially some shops from friends/acquaintances), but if there are local places you want to support, I know a lot of places are offering pick-up options if you don’t want to go into stores right now (or if their locations are temporarily closed). This hand-stamped spoon was a creation from Chandy’s Creations on Etsy, which I received through an influencer program. I’ve always found small shops to be a great place to branch out and find more creative gift ideas.

Will you be celebrating Thanksgiving this year?
Do you usually shop on Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday? Any good deals you know of right now?