I tend to heavily rotate through about 3-5 workout routines for a month, and then I get bored and feel the need to create something fresh and new. For quite awhile now, I’ve been loving my Total Body Sculpt Workout and Getting Stronger Full Body Workout, but I was craving something different and possibly shorter recently. And so today’s workout was created.
The main theme of this routine is doing “double duty” with exercises—AKA, doing two exercises during the same movement. You get more done faster, and it’s so much more challenging overall. Since there’s only a total of 8 exercises, but each is completed with another, this workout looks really short. But somehow it still took me 20 minutes because it was a struggle.
This circuit mostly focuses on upper body and lower body exercises, but in addition to being paired with another exercise, many of these are compound exercises. They work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
So claim your space and grab some dumbbells! Here’s a closer look at the routine.
Demonstrations of all these exercises can be found in my exercise guide. If you want some guidance on how to complete the paired exercises together, a quick Google search can help you coordinate each set.
The farther I got into this workout, the slower I was going—especially those burpees with pushups. Ayayay. Hope you find this to be an exciting and satisfying challenge, as well!