This week has been slightly insane.
I’ve been working lots of overtime, so I’ve had little time for anything. Needless to say, I’m really excited it’s Friday. This girl needs some time do absolutely nothing. As a result of the busyness, I’ve been fitting in quick workouts every night. I’ve done the following treadmill run a few times recently and figured I should probably share it…because I highly enjoy it.
It’s taken my around 1.8 miles each time. As I’ve mentioned a few times recently, running hasn’t exactly been the most enjoyable, so I haven’t been running very far. Instead, I’ve been messing with the incline a bit. I like this workout because it’s a little bit speed and a little bit of incline, making for a great workout.
For today’s post, I’m participating in a party—a Pinterest party. The Lean Green Bean has thrown several Pin It Parties before, and I’ve participated in one at this point (check out my first Pin It Party). I figured it was time to do another one.
Here’s how it works if you’d like to participate:
- Round up 5 blog posts you’ve written that you would like to see on Pinterest.
- Make sure there is a nice, pinable image or photo included in each post.
- Write a short post featuring the posts you chose- ie, put 5 nice images & links to the posts all in one place, along with a short description of each post.
- Publish your post, then visit The Bean and add your post to the linkup!
Without further ado…
If you hover over the pics below, a “Pin It’” button should hover, where you can click and spread the word.
1. 30 Minutes to Speed It Up – I friggin’ love this workout. Constantly increasing the speed by .1 every minute keeps me from getting too bored, and since it’s only 30 minutes, I don’t hate my life too much.
2. The 30/30 Pushup Challenge. I love long-term challenges like this. You can check out my recap of the challenge if you’re interested. I’m doing it a second time now, so I can do it with even better form and without taking any breaks. Today will be day 20.
3. Almond Pesto. My basil plant is exploding with leaves, so I really need to make this again. It was my first attempt at pesto-ing, and I thought it was quite tasty. It’s nice to have on hand to throw on randomness, like pasta, sandwiches, or whatever your heart desires.
4. Smoothies as Meal Replacements. This has already taken off in the Pinterest world, but I’m proud of it, so I’m sharing it again. I don’t have smoothies as meals too often, but in this post, I detail how to make the most of your smoothie meals.
5. Basic Kale Chips. Hells to the yes. Kale chips are the bomb. I couldn’t believe how amazing they were, seeing as how it’s just kale…with salt and pepper. I mean, who does that? I do. I’m a kale chip person now.
Have you ever tried a weird, healthy food and, to your surprise, fell in love?
What do you use Pinterest for the most? Recipes? Workouts? Style ideas? I joined Pinterest back in the day because it had so many good DIY ideas, but now it’s my go-to for recipes.
Any exciting plans for the weekend?! I need someone to live vicariously through!
I use Pintrest as my virtual recipe library! It is so much easier then how I used to save recipes (by printing them out…huge waste of paper)!
So true! It’s a great way to be organized.