This week has been dedicated to my husband since it’s his birthday week. We actually celebrated last night since we’re planning to go out right after work today. And by celebrate his birthday, I mean we had cake and he opened his present(s).
The candles say 25, if you can’t tell. Turns out only 24 candles came in the package, so I made it work by drawing the numbers instead. I made a cookies and cream cake using this vanilla cake recipe. Basically, the cake tastes like Oreos (probably has something to do with the 15 that are crushed up in it), and ohhhh, it was good.
Today’s Workout: I have a light 4-mile run planned (because I’m super sore from yesterday’s workout) plus some core work in the form of my Feel the Burn Ab Circuit.
And if you weren’t aware, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Whether you love it or hate it, I’ve found some fun things that I want to share with you!
Valentine’s Day Favorites
Heart-Shaped Food Bacon hearts. Like most men/people, Matt loves bacon. Like…loves it. I’m thinking I’ll make a few bacon hearts for him. They seem simple enough. Then again, if anyone can screw this up, it would probably be me. I have a way of complicating the simplest recipes.
Man-Friendly Gift Bacon roses. I really want to make these tomorrow. They look so much like roses! But instead? They’re rolls of bacon. Pretty clever if you ask me.
Card Messages Read the small print. I think these are ridiculously wonderful, because they’re not the usual mushy messages. At first glance, they look like insults, but if you read the fine print, they’re actually sweet.
Simple Dinner Heart-shaped pizza. I’m definitely going to attempt this tomorrow. I’m going to use my favorite (aka super easy) yeast-free pizza crust, and for the first time I’m going to attempt my own pizza sauce. I’m sure the pizza will end up being some weird shape that doesn’t resemble a heart but whaaaaaaatever. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Fancy Food Red Velvet Crepes. First of all, crepes seem a bit complicated for this girl, but maybe I’ll try them someday. These looks so tasty and gorgeous. I think I’d rather someone just make them for me.
SO, I’m planning to make bacon roses, hearts, and a heart-shaped pizza. We’ll see if all of that actually happens…
Happy early Valentine’s Day!
Do you have any Valentine’s Day traditions?
Any plans for this one?
This is some of the worst (and by worst I mean most dangerously tempting) food porn I’ve seen in awhile. The crepes, the OREO CAKE,the pizza, ALL OF IT. I want every single thing. Especially a homemade cake.
I think your boyfriend and I have similar food taste. Kraft mac and cheese is totally up my alley.
Ahh! I didn’t even realize this post is mainly about horrible (aka too good) food. Whoops! Sorry to tempt you so much. And Kraft mac and cheese is THE best. I probably will steal some of what I got him…
Haha no worries, that’s usually what I’m drawn to on pinterest so it’s really no different; just all the good stuff piled into one post 🙂
His cake looks so yummy! I like how you got creative iwth the candles.
Okay, the bacon stuff. I die! I love it all! I want to make the bacon hearts and roses. Unfortunately I’m spending V-day alone because my hubs is on business this week. So lame. But maybe I’ll do this with the bacon when he gets back. It’s too cute!
You should totally try it out! I made them last night, but they didn’t turn out too well. I’d recommend actually reading through the directions on the tutorial rather than just looking at the pics (like I did). I’m sure your husband would love them!