Some of the best workouts are the ones that don’t require any equipment. You can do them at home or even while traveling. Today’s workout is not one of those.
If you’ve got the exercise equipment, then you might as well use it.
After my P90X experience, I was left with some upper body definition that I am quite proud of. To not lose the progress I made, I figured I should create a workout that emphasized pull ups. I usually avoid making workouts that use equipment that most people probably don’t have, but I figured having one good workout on hand would help keep my strength up.
I can’t do many pull ups, even with a chair for assistance. Despite the fact that making an exercise THAT much easier feels a tad disappointing at times, it’s still a friggin awesome workout. I have a similar experience with pushups. They often just flat-out suck, but they’re so effective, even when I have to resort to doing them on my knees.
So I jotted down some of my favorite, burn-so-good pull up/pushup-themed exercises and made a whole workout out of them:
Perform as many reps as you can of each exercise, and please use a chair to help you out with pull ups/chin ups (as demonstrated in this video) or do some girl pushups. Just do what you can and try hard, and you will get a lot out of the workout. Take mini breaks as needed and shake out your burning muscles. It took me about 10 minutes to complete the entire workout, and I combined it with my Get Ripped Ab Circuit.
Since I’ve never shared any pull up variations in a workout before, here are a bunch of videos to help you figure out which is which if you’re not sure: Chin Ups, Pull Ups, Military Pushups at 1:27, Wide Grip Pull Ups, Dive Bomber Pushups, Close Grip Pull Ups. (P.S. I sifted through a lot of beefed-up macho man videos to find those, so I hope someone appreciates them. Turns out body builder men are the ones who record themselves working out the most; go figure. But seriously, I was either laughing or cringing the whole time I was looking up good videos. People are ridic.)
Everything else can be found in my exercise guide!
Keep reading for my latest favorites.
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj – This song has struck my fancy. Upbeat and harmonizing of amazing voices? Okay.
Twisted Bun – If I ever learn how to do my hair, I need to learn how to do this. So pretty!
S’mores Bar – In my opinion, EVERY get together should have this set up.
The Banana Window – Going…going…gone! Bananas: the most frustrating and confusing fruit ever.
I love push and pull workouts, and you KNOW I would do DAMAGE to that s’mores bar. And, if you can figure out how to get your hair to do that, please let me know.
I love the bun will try on my daughter. That’s a lot of pushups and pull ups but I love those kinds of workouts
Love the twisted bun. I am going to have try it out. Love the S’more bar, especially with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on s’mores?! Now THAT sounds amazing.