Congratulations! You survived another year! Whether 2015 was filled with mostly good or bad events, it’s now a chapter in the past, and we have a brand new shiny year to look forward to.
Since this is day 1 of the new year, I’m sharing some resolutions I’m setting for myself. The term “New Year’s resolutions” seems to have a bad rap because people often give up on their resolutions really fast. Call them resolutions, goals, objectives, or whatever – I don’t see the harm in planning for things you want to accomplish. I made a lot of progress on my goals for 2015, and while I plan to still work towards a bunch of them, I have a new list this year.
I love the start of every new year because it’s a reminder we can start over and be who we want to be. If you have goals you want to achieve, January 1st is the perfect time to start! So here’s a little look inside what I plan to accomplish in 2016:
Run. When I think about what I want to achieve in 2016, the act of running instantly pops into my head. 2015 was a year of no running, and it was awful. It threw off my whole fitness regimen, and I can’t go another year this way. As you may know, I’m doing physical therapy right now for my IT Band Syndrome, and I’m praying it works. I’m too determined for this resolution to not happen.
Follow a serious workout schedule. Like I said above, not being able to run has completely de-motivated me to workout, because it used to be what my entire schedule revolved around. Despite when I’m able to run again, I’m ready to have that satisfaction of completing weeks after weeks of consistent workouts. It physically and mentally feels amazing.
Emphasize nutrition in my daily eating. If you can’t remember the last time you ate a vegetable, I think there’s a problem. I have a problem. I’m going to get back into meal planning and food prepping to get back into eating healthy on a regular basis.
Learn to love to read. I’ve never been a big fan of reading for pleasure, and yet somehow I love to write. Doesn’t really seem to make sense, if you ask me. There is so much goodness that comes from reading: you absorb meaning from the content; your vocabulary grows; and writing becomes easier as a result. Seems kind of obvious that I should pick up the hobby of reading – even if it’s just a few books a year (anything would be an improvement).
Get back to reading other blogs. Speaking of reading…I started a blog because I enjoyed reading health and fitness blogs. Due to lack of time and putting my priorities elsewhere, I’ve basically stopped reading other blogs altogether. I’d love to catch back up on some of my favorite blogs/bloggers since I’m basically in my own little blog world these days.
Contribute to other online publications. I love writing about living a healthy lifestyle, and sometimes I think about branching out beyond this blog. Throughout this year, I’m hoping to reach out to different online publications and become a contributor to their blogs.
Better understand blog analytics. Ever since I started this blog 3.5 years ago, I just kind of blog about whatever I want, however I want. A goal I’ve had for awhile now is to learn how to actually interpret this blog’s analytics to better understand how to grow my platform and reach more people.
Maintain a positive attitude. This is more of a general life resolution. I try to maintain an overall positive voice on this blog because no one wants to read a mopey person’s words all the time. But in my personal life, I’m definitely guilty of not being as optimistic as I should be. So for this new year, I hope to adopt a more positive outlook on life and be the type of person whose happiness is contagious.
Be thankful every day. There are so many things to be thankful for, and I definitely take so many of them for granted. Between telling people how great they are and appreciating what I have, there’s definitely room for me to make some progress in this department. My goal is take some time every day to just be grateful.
Keep on keepin’ on. 2015 was a pretty good year for me, but 2016 is already set up to be an even greater year [insert sound of wedding bells]. By working on the above resolutions as I live my life, I plan to roll with the punches and see what happens. Basically, I’m just going to keep on keepin’ on.
What are some things you’d like to accomplish this year?
Do you set New Year’s resolutions for yourself?
What was the most exciting thing that happened for you in 2015?
Being injured is the worst! I had a few months of IR last year. Here’s to happy healthy running for both of us in 2016
Happy new year! Best of luck to you in your new years goals and congratulations on the upcoming wedding!
Thank you!! 🙂
We have very similar goal for the year! 2015 was not about running for me either thanks to having a baby. I have already run more this year and it feels great! I hope your IT band gets its act together and you can get back to fitness.
I recently wrote a post about how I actually made more time to read for the first time ever last year. Might be of interest to you.
I drop off the bandwagon of reading blogs a lot too. I used to try to read ALL the blogs. But now I just have a few bookmarked that I catch up on when I can. It’s too hard to have a very lengthy blog reading list.
Oo I’ll have to check your post about reading more! And ya, it’s weird how many blogs I used to read versus now. I definitely agree it’s hard to keep up with a long list of them anymore.