I’m in zombie mode today. I guess that’s what happens when you go to a bar with coworkers on a Tuesday night and don’t get to bed until super late. (Worth it.)
It’s days like today that I consider returning to my love of caffeine. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before I switch from decaf to normal coffee. I’m convinced that will be the best day ever.
Until then, here’s a little workout recap from this week so far:
Monday: Lower Body Strength Workout 1x, alphabet leg lifts, and 20 pushups
Tuesday: I did the following 20-minute treadmill workout because I wasted too much time and had to make it short. It was a quick and challenging one.
Today: 21 pushups are scheduled for today on my pushup challenge (10 more days left!); besides that I’ll be doing a circuit workout of some sort. We’ll see how zombie-like I feel at 4:30 pm.
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Race Course: 400m Can’t Touch The Ground. I so want to do this. Or see someone do this. Or aid in their win.
Healthy Dessert: Chocolate Frozen Greek Yogurt. This is the next thing I’m going to whip together (get it?) with my new food processor. It calls for Greek yogurt, milk, cocoa powder, and sugar. Simple enough!
Optimism: One dollar, two bags of gummy bears. Sometimes it’s the little things that make the day awesome.
Cleaning Method: Wine and Febreze. Some days this just works better…
Haha – yes to that cleaning method! 🙂
🙂 thanks, love you!