Happy last day of September! The trees are starting to change color; the weather is getting cooler; and I’m itchin’ to visit an apple orchard (even if I can’t walk around much due to the whole social distancing thing).

We don’t have too many plans for the next month, but we decided we’re going to watch a couple scary movies per week to get in the Halloween spirit. I’m not usually a big horror or thriller movie fan, but considering I haven’t even seen many classic scary movies, I’ve decided to dive into the Halloween movie scene this year. Anyone have some recommendations?
As for the past month, I was able to see some family and a couple friends which was wonderful and long overdue. We’ve been trying not to be too casual about visiting people during this pandemic, but we’re happy to have seen some of our favorites before cold and flu season enters the mix.
Read more of what I’ve been loving over the past 30+ days in my list below!
September Favorites
Cards Against Humanity Greeting Cards – Thanks, pandemic, for inspiring us to search for new board games to fill our time with, because it led to the discovery that Cards Against Humanity sells a box of greeting cards that are oh-so-ridiculous and oh-so-hilarious, naturally. We found this next to the board games in Target.

Get Organized with The Home Edit – This Netflix show is everything. I started following The Home Edit on IG last year and ended up buying their first book as well. The book I could take or leave (it’s more of a lookbook, and I wanted to learn things). But the show is oh-so-satisfying to watch. I mentioned in my 10 Ways to Keep Your House Organized post that I used to organize my friends’ closets when I was younger, so the thought of being a professional organizer, making sense of people’s chaos, sounds like pure bliss to me. So for now I’ll live vicariously through The Home Edit crew.

Yes Please by Amy Poehler – I’m a sucker for all things related to Second City alumni (which I talked about in my post Life Is Delicious Ambiguity), and Amy Poehler’s book has not disappointed. It’s one of those books I’m trying to ration by reading slowly because I don’t want it to end.

Vietnamese Cold Brew – Every summer I go through a period where I switch to making cold brew coffee instead of my usual hot drip coffee, but for some reason I never did that this year. I did make a batch for Matt recently, though, which reminded me that Vietnamese Cold Brew exists and I just so happened to have sweetened condensed milk. If you tell me there’s a better addition to cold or hot coffee, I will fight you. It is pure magic.

Ooh La La by Faces – I’ve been on a big 60s and 70s music kick lately, and this song gets me every time.
The Last Dance Documentary – I forgot to share this in my August Favorites, but it deserves a spot so this September Favorites list will have to do! I’m not usually a big sports fan (unless I get to play them), but it’s hard not to appreciate the 90s Jordan era of the Bulls, especially when you’re from Chicago. The Last Dance is a Netflix documentary all about their six championship wins in the 90s. I have vivid memories of my sister and dad enthusiastically watching these games while I went to entertain myself in my room. I wish I cared more then, but remembering what I do about that time, it’s really cool to hear interviews from the team members in this new series. It’s surprisingly moving.

DIY Burlap Bulletin Board – I’m still in the middle of several DIY projects, but this is one I’ve actually completed. It’s a burlap-covered cork board that still doesn’t have much on it, but I love the way it looks. I bought some burlap, stained it darker with coffee (I didn’t like the color I bought), and stapled it to the back of a cork board we had. Then I spray painted some decorative nails (like what would go in upholstery), and spaced them out around the edges and used a rubber mallet to sort of hammer them into the wood border. I like that it’s not a generic-looking cork board and has more of an industrial look now.

Being Able to Run – This picture is from my first attempt at running this year, which was early August. As noted in the IG post it’s from, I basically go on one run per year to see how my IT band feels. Usually it hurts and stops me from continuing with my run at about 3/4 mile. But lately, I’ve actually been able to run without pain. It’s been very strange because I haven’t done anything to help my IT band syndrome in awhile, but I’m cautiously optimistic. I’ve been running 1-2 miles once per week for the past month, and it’s been very exciting. Last week I reached 2 miles, and didn’t have issues with knee pain. It’s been a refreshing surprise.

What were some highlights from your September?