Thanksgiving weekend is officially over; December starts on Thursday—seems like the perfect time to start thinking about a workout challenge!
Sure, most people hold out for January to get serious about fitness, but I think a month jam-packed full of holidays is the ideal time for a daily little workout. And what do most people seem to want more than anything? Rock-hard abs.
I’m not about to promise the challenge I’m sharing today is going to give you washboard abs, because you know…”abs are made in the kitchen” and other annoying sayings that are sadly true. But! With a little hard work on your core, you’ll help lay the foundation for the abs you want.
This 31-day challenge focuses on the entire core, and only the core. Do it in combination with a normal workout schedule, or just complete this alone if you’re super busy this month, as I know many of us are. So here’s what’s up:
Although I wanted this workout challenge to target the abs, I wanted to work a variation of muscles within the core. So throughout the month, you’ll be working different areas with different exercises.
Total, I’ve incorporated eight exercises in a rotation that gradually gets more challenging as you continue through December: Crunches, Russian Twists, Leg Raises, Situps, Bicycle Crunches, Planks, V-ups, and Oblique V-ups. Sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t when they’re spread out over the three-day rotation.
(Check out my Exercise Guide page for video demonstrations of any you want to see.)
I’m starting on Friday! Who’s with me?!
Nice, seems like a really cool workout! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us. I’ll make my own challenge as well this month – a bit less challenging though I guess, but let’s do our best!