Hello! I have lots of pictures for you today—none of which are of my beautiful face. I’m sorry / You’re welcome.
Here’s what we did over the weekend…
My father flew back to Chicago yesterday, so that was sad. It was fun having him around here to do some touristy San Diego things. What touristy things, you ask? Let me tell you.
Friday night, we headed to the bar Toronado in North Park to enjoy some craft beer. Since San Diego is so full of amazing craft beer, we made sure to have my father try a bit of it.
Saturday morning, Matt, my dad, and I took a tour of the U.S.S. Midway, which is an aircraft carrier that was in service from 1945-1992. I actually found out my great uncle served on the ship, so that made it more interesting for me. The ship museum was pretty interesting to see, but I think my father and Matt enjoyed it more. For some reason I didn’t take any pictures of it, though, so here’s I found via Google Images to give you an idea of what it looks like:
After we toured the ship, we headed over to Coronado to grab a bite to eat and give my father a little tour of the area. Here’s a picture of Coronado beach, which is often ranked in the top couple spots of best beaches in the country.
On the other side of the peninsula, there’s a great view of downtown San Diego. It was especially pretty on Saturday because there were sailboats everywhere.
After our tiring day of activities, we headed back home to relax and do absolutely nothing. Cereal was my random dinner of choice. ‘Twas a nice evening of hanging out and eventually drinking some wine. Cereal and wine = a good night in my opinion.
Sunday morning, we said goodbye to my father at the airport. Soon after, I headed to Mission Bay to go for what was supposed to be my 16-mile run, as the marathon fast approaches. It was nice to have a continuous path to run on the whole time instead of stopping at stoplight after stoplight on the roads around here, but the run was extremely difficult for this girl. Apparently being sick and not running for a week makes my muscles not happy when I try to get back at it again. I was barely able to run 14 miles, which I was a little upset about, but I’ve come to accept it by now. I’m just really nervous to attempt a 20-mile run this coming Sunday. Not exactly feeling ready for the Surf City Marathon on February 3rd, but I’m doing my best to prepare!
Here’s a little bit of my view during the run yesterday. The bay is on the right of me, even though it’s hard to tell in my picture.
After my run, I came home grumpy and in pain. Thankfully, that wore off after awhile (the grumpiness…I’m still beyond sore), and we headed off to Ikea to check out some dressers so I can stop living out of my bags. We had no luck because I’m too picky, so I will continue to live out of my bags for a little while longer.
Dinner was a frozen pizza (haven’t been the healthiest lately…) and wine through a Red Vine straw. We’re quite classy, if you couldn’t already tell.
Today, I hope to not be too productive. I haven’t been able to do nothingness in quite awhile, and I really miss it. I’ll head out to run 3 or so recovery miles in awhile, and I’m thinking I’ll do my 10-Min Arms & Core Circuit. All I know is that I do not want to work my legs too much today. I miss feeling the burn of doing weight exercises though. Therefore, arms and core it is!
Hope you’re having a great Monday so far!
Of Possible Interest
The Joys of Moving Cross Country: Part 1 of 2
The Joys of Moving Cross Country: Part 2 of 2
Have you ever felt underprepared for a big race? How did you deal with it?
What’s your favorite type of place to run? Road? Beach? Running path?
Ever drank wine through a Red Vine straw?
What a fun weekend! I’m sorry your run didn’t go as planned but as you feel better, it will get easier. Your 20 miler could feel like nothing compared to the 14 you did. You just never know. I’ve always wanted to drink out of a red vine straw! I just never know what to drink… But frozen pizzas are a good choice 🙂
That’s true. Thanks for the encouragement! For some reason it never occurred to me that I may keep getting better and get back to my old running self. Makes sense. And I’d say anything you want to add some fruitiness to would go well through a red vine straw.
Looks like a fun time! I love San Diego. Lucky!
I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster award. It’s a cool way to connect with other bloggers. Check it out here: http://freeingimperfections.com/liebster-award/
Ooo! I’m so honored! Thanks for thinking of me 🙂