I’ve got some upbeat music to get you pumped up for your workouts this weekend!
I feel like I haven’t shared a playlist on here in forever—probably because I usually make them for running (which isn’t happening much the past few years thanks to my IT Band Syndrome). The last playlist I created was my 80s Workout Playlist over a year ago. (In case you’ve forgotten, I have really good taste in music…mwahaha.)
Although I used to just turn the TV on in the background while doing at-home circuit workouts and weight lifting routines, I’ve been going the music route for the past couple months for more of a pump-me-up experience.
One thing that I don’t love about music playlists? Taking a bunch of time figuring out what I’m in the mood for. For awhile I kept finding myself getting dressed to workout, having my routine picked out, and then messing around online for way too long because I wanted the perfect playlist. That’s when I decided to just start dumping upbeat music into one playlist. It’s worked out beautifully because I can just press play every day without much effort. Instead of keeping it all to myself, I wanted to share with you in case you’re in need of some new workout music as well!
Since this high tempo playlist is over two hours long, I get enough variety that I don’t get sick of it. I’ll probably just keep adding to it as I think of or discover new songs that I like, but for now, I’ve transferred all the songs into a playlist on my new blog account on Spotify. If you want to follow it and check out the past playlists I’ve shared, just stop on over to GettinMyHealthyOn on Spotify.
Assuming you’re a Spotify user like mwa, you can easily listen to the playlist in the widget below (or keep scrolling for the screenshot).
For those of you without Spotify, here’s a look at all the songs/artists/albums:
I hope it does the trick like it has been for me! Or if anything, I hope it helps inspire you to make a playlist of your own. 🙂
What’s some music you’ve been loving to workout to lately?
Any recommendations to add to my playlist?
Hey, nice playlist. Will definitely try it out tonight when I go running. Thanks a lot!