Workouts Yesterday: Ran 4 miles in 37:26 for an average pace of 9:21. Meh. I also did a 2 minute and 35 second plank for my plank challenge but split it up into 3 sets. It has become slightly REALLY HARD. Today: Woke up at 5am again to workout because I’m insane. I did my…
My Favorite Things (+ Brooks Infiniti Bra Review)
After work today, I’m going to run 6 or so miles along the bay. I work pretty close to the ocean, so I figure I might as well just go running straight from it. Got’ta take advantage of this awesome location while it’s my life! Now, getting down to business… These Are a Few of…
Partying Hardy, Rock Climbing, and a Brewery Visit
Hello and Happy President’s Day! If you’re one of the lucky ones (like Matt), you have the day off from work today. We’ve been partying hardy all morning. And by party hardy, I mean we went for a run, ran some errands, and are now eating mac ‘n’ cheese for lunch. #PartyAnimals Around 7:30 this…