Ohhh what a weekend it has been! We’ve been in full packing/moving mode over here, and it has been quite exhuasting—physically and mentally.
It’s weird to feel relieved that it’s Monday, but that’s exactly how we feel. The bulk of our things have been moved (way too many things…like how have we possibly acquired this many things?!), so now we’re just getting back to the workweek grind and starting unpacking our things in our new condo we’re renting. Since I’ve been so busy the past couple days, I wanted to keep today’s post simple. If you want to see a glimpse into our busy, productive weekend, here are some snapshots from the craziness!
Exhibit A: all the things in piles, ready to be loaded and transported. Yeah, we probably should have dusted a few items first…
I got SO MANY STEPS this weekend, which I wasn’t expecting because I was carrying boxes much of the weekend. But yay Fitbit for detecting my steps regardless! I feel like my three months of LiveFit bodybuilding prepared me for this move with all the heavy lifting.
One of the things that hasn’t been that healthy? The foooood. We’ve already gotten about 98% of our dishes, cookware, and food out of the house, so aside from breakfast, we’ve been mostly living off what our grocery store (and nearby places ) offers for options.
Oh, and worth mentioning: we rented a U-Haul, which we didn’t do last time, and it saved us soooo many trips to our new home. Highly recommend it…as well as recruiting another man with decent upper body strength to help your husband out so you don’t have to lift heavier than you probably should. Not that I did that or anything…
I’m going to miss having a little extra time to sleep in in the mornings, but alas! I must go back to an early-morning work schedule. We are pooooped. But I’m proud of how much we’ve gotten done over the last 2.5 days.
Now we just have to deal with all the leftover stuff in our current house, transport it to our new condo, and get started on the tedious cleaning process before we officially move out.
Each night has ended with a margarita and a few episodes of 30 Rock—aka until Katie falls asleep.
Can’t wait to start settling into our new home!! (And be done with all the hard work of packing, moving, and cleaning. Oof!)
What were you up to all weekend?
Yeahhh gurrrrl. So excited for you!
🙂 Thanks!