Ahhh Friday—the day most of us take a big sigh of relief because we can finally take a mini-break from being a productive member of society. One thing weekends are notorious for? Indulging.
During the week, I’m all…“Get the workouts in!” and “Eat veggies and stuff!”….because my routine keeps me motivated. Once Friday afternoon rolls around, though, all discipline flies out the window. Aside from this making my diet and fitness routine less of a priority, I’ve noticed I keep pushing items on my to-do list into the next day, the next week, the next month. And before I know it, a year has passed and I haven’t achieved the bigger goals I was once so excited about.
RIP productivity. You had a good run.
It’s amazing how fast time flies when you prioritize downtime (granted, it’s often much-needed) over putting in off-the-clock work towards your personal life goals. What makes it difficult for me to dedicate time to these goals is I’ve got my eyes on the outcome—not the journey. When I think about the work it’ll take to get there, it’s overwhelming and not as appealing as that sweet, luxurious downtime I get at the end of each day.
The problem? When we make goals for ourselves, we’re the only ones who can make them happen. You could have the best excuses in the world for why you didn’t reach them (spoiler: I don’t), but the fact of the matter is…you’re the one who can make the magic happen. Don’t forget: little goals turn into big results. Whether it’s 20 minutes a day, an hour a week, or as much little time you have to spare—it makes a difference, though it may not always seem like it.
As I keep moving the items on my to-do list further and further into the future, it gets easier to disregard how important they really are. I’ve gotten in a habit of brushing them off. (I wish my Gmail calendar had a warning message every time I tried to move things to the next day. Oy vey.)
If you’re like me and can’t seem to make time for the things you dream about, there’s a good chance they won’t ever happen…that is, until you change your mindset, schedule, habits, or whatever’s in the way.
There’s a quote I’ve found to be particularly inspiring in regards to all this I’m rambling about…
“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.”
It seems so obvious, but it can be way too easy to just assume we’ll make it happen without fully committing to the goal. If as much time has passed for you as it has for me, what you’re doing proooobably isn’t working. This doesn’t have to be a tragic realization, though; if anything, it means you’re at a turning point. And just like that, reaching your goals is actually closer than ever.
Even though it’s Friday and you may already be in Time-To-Be-Worthless mode (or maybe that’s just me…), I encourage you to dedicate just a little time over the next couple days to reflect on what you want. Get in your indulgences as needed, but never stop working on you!
Boom. Motivation. There you go. 😉
Is there a personal goal you’ve been working towards?
How do you like to indulge over the weekend?