Christmas is two days away! The news is embracing the lack of cold weather here in San Diego by playing Feliz Navidad with the beach scene in the background.
Never gets old.
Matt and I are laying low for Christmas this year, which is a first since we usually fly home to Illinois at this time of year. We ended up going for Thanksgiving, though, so we’ll be chillin’ like villains over here this weekend. I’m looking forward to having a couple days off work to get some wedding planning things done and just relax. How will you be celebrating Christmas (if you do)?
Keep reading for some of my favorite Christmas things.
These Are a Few of My Favorite Christmas Things
Dad Turns Baby into Elf on the Shelf – This clever dad of six turned his youngest into a live elf on the shelf, and the pictures are so freakin’ adorable! I encourage you to check out the whole string of pictures here; you will not regret it.
Christmas Chalkboard Signs – I recently bought a chalkboard in a pretty white frame to use for a sign at our wedding, but I have hopes of using it as an ever-changing piece of holiday art in our home. Love this collection of chalkboard designs for motivation.
Ugly Sweaters by Tipsy Elves – I am all for ugly Christmas sweaters. Matt and I actually won with these DIY ugly sweaters a few years ago. That was a lot of effort, though, and the company Tipsy Elves makes a lot of ridiculous and amazing ones. You can find the sloth sweater here or check out a bunch of their others by visiting their website. Sooooo funny.
17 Essential Charts That You Need to Survive the Holidays – The below chart is kind of how I live my life anyways, so I appreciate the support from Buzzfeed. The whole list has a nice collection of advice for you to get through the rest of this holiday season. Check it out here.
Overnight Cranberry Coffee Cake – I’ve had a bag of cranberries in the fridge that needs to be used ASAP. I thought this recipe sounded (and looked) delicious, especially because it uses Greek yogurt (aka one of my favorite baking ingredients).
73 degrees in NJ tomorrow…it’s just crazy!!!!! It’s been dark and rainy all week, but soooo warm!!! I just hpoe the sun comes out soon!
So much good stuff! That sloth sweater is on point. Also, isn’t it crazy that it’s colder here on the west coast than the east coast??
Yes! I have friends in the Midwest and on the East Coast, and both regions have had days that are much warmer than here. So bizarre.