1. Make a bed of your choice of lettuce-type leaf (I usually make a pile of spinach).
2. Gather every type of nut, fruit, veggie, meat, cheese, and bean you can find in a 2-mile radius.
3. Throw most if not all on top, plus your choice of dressing.
4. Devour.
Okay, some ingredients might not taste the best together, but for the most part, I recommend doing the above steps.
When I make salads, I mean business. I, more or less, follow the above directions and end up with a massive pile of everything, and it. is. awesome. I’m always surprised how full I can get off of just a salad.
During our layover in Chicago yesterday (on our way to Bloomington), we stopped to get lunch. I found this random smoothie place that also had salads. Holy mother of pearl. This salad was what my dreams are made of.
It’s hard to tell by the picture, but it was full of so many beautiful toppings.
Avocado, dried cranberries, egg mushrooms, broccoli, peas, chickpeas, cucumber, feta cheese, and sunflower seeds all on a bed of mixed greens and topped with a strangely thick balsamic vinaigrette.
Best $8 I’ve spent in awhile.
I’m going to start throwing Craisins and chickpeas on my salads because it took the meal to the next level. Plus, I usually have both on hand, so why not?
Another thing, avocado and feta cheese are a match made in heaven. Anytime I have those two ingredients in something, I’m happy.
Alright, enough about my obsession with insane salads.
Matt and I are chillin’ today, not doing much of anything until the rehearsal dinner later because it’s super snowy, and we don’t exactly have a car. So much time to bond and talk about our feelings! Bahaha.
Have you ever worked out while someone else is hanging out only 5 feet away from you? I decided to do this this morning. Matt was watching TV, and I wanted to do some sort of workout, so I decided to do my Steady ‘n’ Sweaty workout. It was a wee bit awkward yet funny–I’m happy I did some sort of workout though.
Aaaaaaaaaaand it appears we are going now to do some wandering in the snow, so I must bid you adieu. Have a lovely Friday!
What are your favorite salad toppings?
I’ll try to limit it to five–my favorite salads are the ones with feta, avocado, green pepper, mushrooms, and egg.
Is it super snowy where you are?
I was thinking of you all of Friday, hoping you would get to your destination. Little did I know Bloomington was your destination. I know you were super busy the whole time you were in Illinois, but we missed a Katie and Matt sighting:( This may seem a little stalkerish as well, but if Ashley and John visited you for lunch this means they had to drive within about 15 minutes from our house. Oh well we get to see them next week. Haha *Hugs*
I knooooow. We were only able to spend a few hours with the family before we had to go to the airport. I was definitely thinking about you though!