I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes.
Alfalfa Katie
I go through spurts of eating healthy and then eating absolutely horribly.
Lately? The latter. Frozen pizzas, Velveeta grilled cheese, condensed soups, cookies…it’s been bad. I don’t think it’s a big deal to have these things occasionally, but I’ve lost sight of what the word “moderation” means.
I realized on both Thursday and Friday last week that I had absolutely no fruits or vegetables. I can usually fit in a few fruits to my day pretty easily, but vegetables are definitely much more difficult (my father would be so disappointed). After realizing how horribly I’ve been eating lately, I immediately starting craving some juicy fruit.
Saturday morning, Matt and I went to the farmer’s market, and for the first time ever, I actually bought some stuff. (Yay for supporting the local economy!) Pretty sure I told Matt how excited I was about both purchases like 10 times on the way back home.
Fresh strawberries and some loose cacao & mint tea (for my tea binging at work). Having an endless number of strawberries (or what seems like it) is the best thing EVER. They’re like candy, which is great since I gave it up for Lent. Bananas and apples are usually my go-to fruits (because they’re cheaper), so having these beautiful berries is making me ridiculously happy.
Here’s the problem:
Produce tends to get lost in our fridge, and I completely forget about. Like I mentioned in my post about tricking yourself into eating healthier, the crisper is where food goes to die. You don’t see it because it’s in its special home, so BOOM a week or two passes, and suddenly everything is moldy. You’re all…
(Only you don’t say fudge. You say THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the F-dash-dash-dash word.)
Okay…maybe not, but it’s pretty disgusting. And there goes $10+ down the drain. Not fun.
So I’m determined to keep some fresh produce in our fridge and not destine it for a future of neglect. While I’m still working on adding veggies to my diet, fruit should not be as difficult because it’s so sweet and delicious.
In other words, I’m hoping to significantly decrease my consumption of processed foods, and shoot for stuffing my face with more of the raw goodness that are fruits and veggies…because those strawberries are NOT going to waste.
Questions for you:
Have you ever been to a farmer’s market / do you frequent them?
Do you find consistently eating fruits and veggies to be ridiculously hard?
We love farmers markets but we dont go to them very often. They are only in the summer here and last summer was out since we hadFinn. Before that we rarly made it out of the house before noon on Saturdays if we could help it. I think we will go more often this summer since Finn doesn’t let us sleep in.
Haha there ya go! And I feel you on the not leaving the house before noon thing.
Kudos to you and your [mostly] vegan diet! I can’t imagine following such a strict diet. I definitely admire people who can though. And stocking up on a variety of veggies definitely does help me. I think my problem is it just gets boring, so I’ll need to find some fun recipes to try. Thanks for the advice. 🙂