Since we’re about halfway through this year (oh lawd), I figured I’d take some time today to revisit some goals I made in January to keep myself accountable. Usually, I don’t set clear goals for myself and just kind of…loosely work towards them. But I’m trying to change that because, believe it or not, that strategy doesn’t produce the best results. Weird, I know!
If you’re not aware, I actively try to get my healthy on (I hope you’re aware of that), so I set some personal goals for 2015 regarding nutrition and fitness, and I also had several blog-related goals. Here’s a little update on all of that:
Personal Goals
Eat cleaner/healthier: Still working on cutting out a lot of the crap (not my fault chocolate chips are so good), but I think I’ve gotten better at the healthy food prep thing!
Run another half marathon: A big nope on this one. Still trying to fix my IT band, but I have a lot of hope on getting back into running soon!
Inspire others to get healthy: I don’t have a huge reach on this blog or anything at this point, but it is pretty cool to have people (at least who I know in real life) talk to me about how they’re running more or making weird food. They know it’s something I’m passionate about, so they randomly tell me about it.
Blogging Goals
Gain more readership: Definitely need to work on this one more. Life has been a bit hectic lately, so the blog hasn’t been as much of a priority. Hopefully, I can dedicate more time to this goal in the last half of this year.
Better monetize this blog: This has actually happened more naturally for me than I ever thought it would. The longer I’ve been blogging (nearing 3 years!!), the more opportunities I’ve learned about. Although there’s still a lot of progress to make on this front, I’ve made a lot of leeway and am happy with how this blog is growing for me.
Connect with more bloggers and brands: I struggle more with connecting with bloggers because I don’t have near enough time to actually read other blogs. I barely even do anymore, and it makes me sad! So this goal has actually gotten worse, but it’s one of the biggest things I want to focus on in the future.
Be more active in the blogging community: This is similar to the above. I’ve been more vocal on social media, which has been really awesome, actually. So small interactions here or there, yes, I’ve connected more, but the meaningful relationships you get from consistently reaching out to bloggers through their own site? Still working on that one.
Create a social calendar: I actually decided not to move forward with this because I didn’t think I needed that much structure and planning. However, I’ve gotten 100x more active on social media, and I love it. In fact, it’s becoming a huge emphasis for my blog’s reach.
Improve my food photography: I’ve come a long way with my food pictures, and I am so thankful for that. I like to think my food actually looks edible now. While I still don’t know how to use my DSLR very well (which was another goal), I can use the basic functions, and it does WONDERS.
That about sums it up! Still a lot of room to improve, but I’m making some decent progress. Check out my goals for 2015 post if you want to read more about them!
Are you a goal setter? Or do you just kind of go with the flow?
What are some things you hoped to achieve this year? How’s your progress?
In my opinion, your food photography is great! And you inspire me to be more creative in the kitchen!