Do you ever workout twice in a day?
I rarely do, but when I do it’s usually awesome. Probably has something to do with the fact that if I’m working out again, it’s because I really want to. Gotta love workouts when you’re actually motivated!
On Friday early evening, Matt went to boxing class which he does often, and I decided to just workout again. Because I felt like it. And I had nothing better to do.
I ended up going on the elliptical, and it was probably the best time I’ve ever had on one. You see, I hate the elliptical. Never can I stay on for more then 20 minutes because I’m bored out of my mind. However, I did the following workout (while watching Friends), and the time flew by.
*Go hard at the higher numbers. Use the 8’s as a warm-up/cool-down speed.
Try it out and let me know what you think! I recommend watching Friends too. It helps.
How was your weekend?!
Mine was splendid. Nothing too crazy.
Friday night, I convinced Matt to watch Moulin Rouge with me because for some reason I love that movie.
On Saturday we were planning to wake up early and go running together, but sleep was way too nice. We just took it easy, did some grocery shopping, and later on went to a happy hour with some of Matt’s coworkers.
Yesterday, we finally did that run. It was pretty awesome too. We just did 4 miles around the bay and ended up walking about 4 more on the boardwalk. It was lovely.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish before? I have not. That is, until yesterday. I mean..they were dead, but that’s beside the point. We walked in the water (which feels amazing after running) and discovered lots of creatures—about 4 dead jellyfish, 3 huge weird-looking slug things, and some cool shelled creatures.
Did the time change throw you off as much as it did to us?
Our entire run/walk we had no idea what time it was. I changed my GPS watch clock but didn’t think it worked. We both forgot our phones, so the entire drive back home we had no idea what time it was. It was strange. Turns out I succeeded at changing my clock, and our iPods automatically changed.
Cool story, I know.
Then we ended our Sunday night like pretty much every Sunday night—with a frozen pizza. I’m trying this thing where I take up most of the plate with salad, so I don’t have room for 50 pieces of pizza. Turns out you just have to resort to piling the pieces or going back for 2nds and 3rds instead.
And today, I have no idea what workout I’m going to do. I’ll probably do a treadmill run of some sort. Right now I’m enjoying a slow Monday morning sippin’ on some gin and juice delicious coffee thanks to the massive creamer bottle I got.
I’ll workout..eventually.
BY THE WAY, make sure to check in tomorrow because I’m going to post a chocolate chip cookie recipe I made on Friday, and they’re quite tasty. I’m really excited about them because the recipe has some healthy ingredients. Love when that works out.
Do you love or hate the elliptical? What’s your favorite cardio machine?
Treadmill’s my go-to.
Coolest thing you’ve seen on a beach?
Dead jellies.
Did you do exciting things this past weekend?
Haha the pizza dilemma. I end up using two different plates. One for my carbs, one for my veggies. You can’t NOT make room for pizza!!
Smart woman!
That salad is so beautiful…
Haha thanks! They get boring fast, so I’m trying to throw lots of stuff on them these days.