Thank you to everyone who entered my PlantFusion giveaway! The winner is…
Jaclyn Reynolds — Congrats, Jaclyn! I’ll be sending you an email shortly. 🙂
Now, about that workout adventure I lured you in with…
Yesterday, I made a few awesome purchases:
1. An Oat & Honey candle that smells like everything that is right in the world.
2. Snapple jelly beans. While they definitely intrigued me, I wasn’t planning to make the purchase…until Matt basically just handed them to me while in line at the the store. No regrets. They are definitely as good as you might imagine.
3. I’m getting hardcore over here and bought some boxing gloves.
You see, Matt partakes in the sport of boxing because he’s cool. His gym has a pretty good deal for a one-month membership so I figured…why not? I’ve gone with him before, and it was an awesome workout. I’m just too cheap to commit to a yearly gym membership. I’ve decided to try it out for a month and see how I feel at the end.
If I discover I have a secret talent for the boxing life, I might just have to continue with it. Most likely, though, I’ll just enjoy the month and end the membership having learned a few things.
Here goes nothing!
Questions for you:
Have you ever tried boxing? What did you think?
What’s your favorite sport for getting a good workout?
Ooh I’ve never tried boxing for real. I’ve done some kick boxing workout DVDs but I don’t think that counts… I wish I could smell that candle. Sounds like it smells amazing!
Eh, I’d say that counts. 🙂 I have a feeling it’s going to be much more intense than I think, so we’ll see how it goes!