I’m in zombie mode today / this week. Matt and I went to a Chicago bar last night with the intention of watching the Cubs game, but it turned into a huge Blackhawks game viewing because…they’re kind of in the playoffs. So due to that (and 3 OT periods, making it the longest game of Hawks’ history) I’ll be consulting with all the coffee this morning.
Tonight, we’re actually going to the Cubs vs. Padres game, so that should be fun.
I’m not the biggest sports fan, but I do try. When the games go until multiple overtimes though? Can’t say that’s my favorite. So here’s hoping the Cubs beat the Padres in an efficient, 9-inning game tonight! Yay sports! Haha.
See below for some of my latest favorites.
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Pizza Cooked on the Grill – First of all, check out our new little baby grill that doesn’t even come up to my knees. I think it’s quite cute. Second, Matt introduced me to pizza on the grill on Sunday, and I’m sold. I’ve been making a new pizza crust (with yeast unlike my go-to recipe), and I’m hoping to share it soon! It’s part of the below homemade pizza. Nom nom nom.
Starbucks Via Instant Coffee – Finally stocked up on this stuff at work. I can never get myself to buy it because it’s a bit pricey, but the flavor is #onfleek, as the youth may say these days.
No Way No by Magic! – I’ve been hearing this one the radio recently, and it has struck my fancy. That’s all.
Surprise Lizards – Ya, so I really friggin’ love lizards. Any time I see a wild lizard wandering, I get so excited; it’s ridiculous. We found the biggest lizard I’ve ever seen in the wild this past weekend. It was hiding under something in our backyard. It looked like a snake and moved like one as well, but it had legs soooo ya. It was pretty amazing. Maybe you had to be there. Haha.
DIY Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup – So we usually don’t have candy in the house, which is definitely for the best, but sometimes I just really need some, ya know!? Once in awhile, I’ll throw some dark chocolate chips on a spoonful of peanut butter and dream about Reese’s Cups. Soooo good.
Yay grilled pizza 😉