Now that we’re all sufficiently plump from Valentine’s Day candy and dessert, let’s start on Project 6 Pack!
I’ve gathered all the core-focused workouts I’ve shared over the last 3.5 years into one blog post. Some I perform more than others, but I still use each and every one of these as part of my workout schedule. The variety of exercises I use help challenge your abs in different ways so you can be on your way to getting a muscle-astic abdomen.
Lower Abs Workout – Let’s start with the most recent! This is a challenging circuit that usually takes me about 20 minutes to complete. It mostly focuses on the lower abdominal muscles that can be a problem area for many people.
Cardio & Core – When I’m craving an extra lively core workout, this is my go-to. The cardio exercises in this give the added bonus of working more areas of the body. Performing it three times takes me about 22 minutes.
Feel the Burn Abs Circuit – This was one of my first ab workout I created, and it’s still one of my favorites. When you perform it slow and using as good of form as you can, it gives my core that satisfying sore feeling the next day.
10-Min Arms & Core Workout – Pushups are not my fave, so anytime I perform this, it’s a special kind of evil. It pushes me to work hard and in just a short period of time.
Get Ripped Ab Circuit – Following our adventure with P90X, I created this circuit using some of the program’s exercises as inspiration. It is quite possibly my most favorite workout in this entire list. Twice, it takes me about 10 minutes, and I usually pair it with my Max-Rep Pushups & Pull Ups Workout.
No Equipment Core Circuit – Workouts that don’t require equipment beyond my bodyweight are the best. Whether I’m traveling or just chillin’ at home, they’re convenient and definitely aren’t any easier than my dumbbell-centric routines. This one, specifically, takes about 15 minutes to go through twice.
Spelling Abs Workout – I thought I was so clever when I came up with this one. You may have heard of alphabet leg lifts (when you draw the alphabet with your legs, as opposed to simply raising and lowering them), but this one involves drawing uppercase, lowercase, and cursive letters. It is no. joke.
No Equipment Needed Core & Legs Circuit – Aaaand to kill two birds with one stone, try this core and leg circuit workout! It’s also an oldie but goodie.
For more workouts, make sure to check out my workout page!
What’s your favorite area of the body to focus on when you workout? I probably work my legs the most, but I “enjoy” core the most.
Do you have a favorite core exercises? As you can tell by many of these workouts, bicycle crunches are probably my fave.
This is perfect. I have a little cold and went into a coughing fit playing hide and go seek with Finn last night, so no cardio for me today. I’ll try one of these workouts.
Wow a lot of great core work here! I love Russian twists and side planks