The more time I spend learning about fitness, the more I understand myself and appreciate my body for what it is. The topic of “happy weight” is one I’ve been wanting to talk about for awhile, but it’s been front and center in my mind as I’ve been navigating through the LiveFit Trainer workout and nutrition program (just finished week 2 of 12…HOLLERRRR).
In case you’ve never heard this term, I consider a “happy weight” to be a balance of being healthy while also not letting your appearance become an obsession. It’s a weight you feel comfortable at, and you don’t have to try really hard to maintain it. Ever since about mid-college when I gradually lost my freshman 15 (read: my weight loss story), I’ve been around the same weight, and I’ve realized over the past couple years this is most definitely my happy weight.
Although I can be self-conscious (because you know, I’m human), I’m proud of my ability to accept my body and rarely be jealous of others’. It’s a hard thing to do when the media—and society in general—is telling us to look like this or that.
I think maintaining a happy weight is 10x more important than trying to…
- Look like that model,
- Have minimal body fat,
- Work yourself to the point of exhaustion,
- Not enjoy food anymore,
…or whatever else we tell ourselves is the key to being happy and beautiful.
What’s the point of doing all that if you’re going to be miserable and can’t maintain it?! From what I’ve learned, it’s all about balance. Sure, we want to be as healthy as possible, but at the same time, life is too short not to enjoy ourselves (enter: bacon).
THIS is why I’ve decided: if you’re at your happy weight, be happy. Don’t hate how you look if you’re not willing or interested in putting in the work to change it. I see too many women who do this. It’s not realistic, so you’re destined for disappointment. That’s no way to live!
I’ve discovered that although I’d love to have a rock-hard body with defined muscles, my current lifestyle (and priorities) don’t line up with achieving that exact goal. Therefore, I’ve slightly shifted my goal to be: diligently work towards building impressive lady muscles while also enjoying the finer things in life, like craft beer and baking cookies (and not slaving over looking a certain way).
Aka, I just want to practice moderation in all areas. I don’t want to feel like I’m depriving myself, and I also don’t want to punish myself for indulging. I will say, however, I am working on practicing my favorite mindset of “Treat Yo’Self” a little less often. I’m kind of kicking arse on the LiveFit nutrition plan, though, if I do say so myself (which surprises me because my life is basically one big struggle of wanting to eat healthy but also bake all the things).
Just remember: you can love your body while still trying to improve it. Live your life, but also try to make your “happy weight” a healthy weight—one you can maintain and feel confident in.
Rant. Over.
What does “happy weight” mean to you?
How do you maintain a weight you feel comfortable and happy at?
Awesome. Good advice!
🙂 You actually entered my mind as I was writing this. You’ve always seemed to have such a healthy body image, and I’m sure it had an effect on me growing up as well. I have faith that Sawyer will see your good example as well. Love you!
Oh goodness you wanna make me cry?! Thank you. That means a lot. One of my many goals as her mom.
This is such a Great post!! Keep up the good work
Thank you!!
Your welcome and please fill free to checkout my blog 🙂