Whelp, it would appear I will not be working out for awhile. This was a very strange realization for me yesterday afternoon.
My cold keeps morphing into new, more fun things. It all started with a crazy cough that led to alleged bronchitis, which is now mostly just a pulled muscle in my rib area. So bla bla bla, stabbing pains in my side when I breathe or move—I guess you could say my fitness has officially been put on the back-burner for awhile.
I tend to push myself harder than I should with injuries because I never think they’re as bad as they really are. This didn’t exactly work out well with my IT band syndrome four? years ago, so I’m determined to rest myself as much as possible over the coming weeks, maybe months (I have no idea what to expect).
I was happy when I found out it wasn’t anything worse, but I paused when it finally hit me that I won’t be able to be very active for several more weeks—let alone work out. This is especially sad since the new year is coming up, when a lot of us are feeling excited and motivated to ramp up our healthy habits. SO, in honor of my pending return to the fitness world, I wanted to share a quote with you all today.
Maybe you’re injured in some way as well, or have been in the past, it’s usually just a bump in the road. “The comeback is always stronger than the setback.” You know, except when it’s not…mwahaha. But for real, I like this mindset and plan to see this as the temporary setback it is. Before I know it, I’m sure I’ll be all healed and ready to get back in the game.
Until that day arrives, I’m still going to run with my freakish optimism that I shared in Monday’s post with positive facts about getting a cold. Since I won’t be spending time working out for awhile, this opens up time for me to focus more on the nutrition part of healthy living—an area I’ve been really wanting to get back into for both my husband and me.
If you’re currently in some sort of setback from health or other life things, I challenge you to slightly shift your focus to maybe a related area that you can work on. We can do this!
Good motivation. Love the perspective 🤗