Morning! You know how on Monday, I mentioned how I asked my friends to be bridesmaids and finally got all my responses? Well today’s list of favorites is saturated with more exciting things that happened while home.

The view as we landed in San Diego
BUT, before I get into the main point of this post, I’m excited to finally announce the winner of my Road Runner Sports giveaway that ended Monday at midnight. So without further ado, through the power of random selection, the winner is…
Rebecca, who blogs over at Strength and Sunshine! So congrats to you, Rebecca, and thanks to all who entered!
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Cheap Dresses – Funny story. From preschool through 8th grade, I went to a Baptist school and was required to wear super conservative dresses every single day. As a result, I despised dresses until about the time I got to college, where I started to like them. And by now, I’ve become sort of a dress junkie because I love them. I got the below dress from Forever 21, and I must say…cheap, cute summer dresses are the best. (I’m not the only one who takes awkward work selfies, right?)
Chicken Salad Salad from Potbelly’s – This is my favorite salad ever, and I pretty much only get it when I’m flying home from Chicago. It’s filled with tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, dried cranberries, and chicken salad (which I usually don’t even like). Yummm.
HGTV – Okay, this channel is becoming a guilty pleasure of mine, and I don’t even own a friggin house. I spent the entire 4-hour flight from Chicago to San Diego this past weekend watching Flip or Flop because Southwest has TV (so wonderful). I blame my siblings for getting me into this channel ever since they first got hooked when they bought their first house.
Witty Needlepoint – While home this past weekend, Matt and I ventured into a coffee shop on the border of Iowa/Illinois, and I found these gems. They’re ridiculous needlepoint creations that I found amusing. I later found out a sorority sister was friend’s with the owner of the Etsy shop who creates them! If you’re curious, you can check it out here.
Asian Pear – Aaaaand one more food favorite. I got a few Asian pears (sometimes called Apple Pears) at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago (note to self: if the cost is $2+/lb. and the fruit weighs approximately 4 lb. each, don’t do it), and they make my mouth happy. They’re one of my favorite fruits because the texture/flavor combo is divine. It’s weird since I don’t even like pears that much – there’s just something about these I can’t get enough of.
Sometimes cheap dresses are the best 😉
OMG! Yes! Another Asian pear lover! Aren’t they simply amazing! I love their sweet lovely crunch!
Right?! They’re so refreshing.
Haha to that witty needlepoint! I like a crafter with a sense of humor!