So Matt and I signed up for a 5k that’s in a few weeks…
We even got some his and hers coconut bras and grass skirts for it…
The Aloha Run is a 5k run/walk that comes here to San Diego and features Polynesian music, drummers, hula dancers, and some surf-themed bands. Matt knows some people who signed up for it, so we followed suit and spontaneously registered last week. That makes two 5k’s in two months for me: first the Aloha Run, then the The Color Run!
The plan is to wear the above mentioned Party City purchases to the Aloha Run over our normal running clothes. I’ve never dressed up so much for a race before, so this will be very interesting, especially considering I don’t know if many people dress up for this one. Word on the street is the people we signed up with have also made similar purchases for the race, though, so that’ll make the race a tiny bit less embarrassing.
I think the original motivation for running this race was to get the finisher medal. It’s to our understanding that the hula girl’s skirt moves. If so, totally worth the whole thing…
Because why else would I run a race? For fun?! Oh, right.
Have you ever worn a costume to a race before?
Any 5ks or races in your future?
What’s your main motivation for signing up for races? The medal? distance? location? route?
bahahahahahahahahahaha I want ALL THE PICTURES!!!
Haha oh geez. Well I’ll definitely be sharing some after the race!
Costumes for races are great! have fun 🙂