Walking has been a challenge these past few days…
Thank God for elevators and railings. I can’t believe how insanely sore I am after the half marathon. Everything hurts. It complicates my daily activities, but I’ll have to admit a part of me kind of enjoys it. The feeling of earning such soreness is kind of awesome. As difficult and horrible the race was to run, I’m already ready to sign up for more…
I’m starting to question my sanity.
Last night I finally mustered up the motivation to clean the apartment, since it has been a mess from our extreme muscle pain and desire to not move. I stumbled upon a photo card we were given after having a quick picture snapped in front of a green screen before entering an exhibit at the Safari Park. So I figured…why not just check online to see if I could get a proof of the picture…
Turns out it was free, and there were invisible lemurs all over us while taking the picture. Best surprise EVER! (…despite my terrible face)
I’m a sucker for this touristy stuff. Sooooo good.
Keep scrolling southward to view my latest favorites!
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Coconut Whipped Cream. This fascinates me. I’ve never even had coconut milk before, but you can apparently make whipped cream out of it pretty easily!
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Muffins. My coworker/friend person made these recently, and they were SO good. I’ll be making these soon…
West Coast by Lana Del Rey. I’ve really started to enjoy Lana Del Rey’s voice. This song has a bit of an eerie feel to it that I love.
Chipotle Lime Chicken Fajita Skewers. Love how easy, delicious, and healthy kabobs can be for dinner. This recipe looks like a keeper!
Boxing Workout #1. Love this workout by The Little Honey Bee blog to mix things up. It’s nice to use what I learned during boxing classes for a change from my usual circuit workouts.
I love boxing too! It’s my Wednesday workout with my trainer. Nothing gets your sweat on like that. Chocolate strawberry muffins enough said-Yum!
Oh nice! I like the idea of making boxing a weekly workout. I definitely don’t do it much. Good idea!
Now matter how a race went I’m proud of that post race soreness! Haha runners are funny 🙂
I want to try that coconut milk whipped cream! Makes sense since its so dense!