I’m home! In my other/original home! Yay!
The time of my flight last night changed 5 different times, so that was fun. We finally got home at almost 12:30am, and I was more than ready to pass out. Today, my father and I are venturing down to central Illinois and Indiana to visit my grandparents, and I’m quite pumped. They’re basically the shi… bombdiggity.
Tomorrow is the fiesta, where I get to see my siblings, some friends, as well as meet a friend’s baby. CAN’T WAIT. For Sunday, I have informed my familia that we will be bonding. Monday, we’re just playing it by ear, and I’ll be flying back to San Diego in the evening.
The Sunshine Award
For this lovely Friday’s blog post, I will be sharing a bit about myself. So just in case you’re not sick of me yet…
Melissa at Freeing Imperfections nominated me for The Sunshine Award because I’ve got happiness coming out the wazoo. (Sure, let’s just go with that.) I love these awards because I love learning randomness about people. So, thank you again for nominating me, Melissa! And here are my answers to her questions:
1. If money were no option, what one item would you go buy tomorrow?
A private plane… that is expense-free, so I can fly to Chicago for free anytime I want. My family is too far away.
2. What chore do you enjoy doing the least & why?
Cleaning the shower – I find it to be uber annoying and such a hassle.
3. Most of the clothes in your closet can be found from what three stores?
Target, Kohls, and maybe Marshalls? I like the cheap stuff, as you can tell.
4. If you could only use one beauty product for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Moisturizer! I hate the feeling of dry, tight skin.
5. Do you have any nicknames from friends or family? What are they?
My family (extended and immediate) call me Kate; everyone else seems to call me Katie. I’ve also gotten Kathy, KT, Kenny, and several weird versions of my last name.
6. Why did you start your blog?
I talked about this in my Why Do You Blog? post and for my One-Year Blogging Anniversary. Basically, I starting reading healthy living blogs two years ago and eventually figured if I loved writing a blog anywhere as much as I loved reading them, it was a worthwhile adventure–and it definitely has been. I wanted to document my journey with fitness especially, but I’ve made recipes a large part of my blog too.
7. Shoes or purses?
Seeing as how I don’t even own a real purse right now, I guess I’ll go with shoes. I’m way too picky with purses, which is why mine broke about three months ago, and I still haven’t bought one…
8. Describe your perfect day from start to finish.
I wake up in northern Wisconsin with a bunch of my family and have a lazy morning (we used to get there every year when I was young). Then I go on a coffee date with my sister (because they’re my all-time favorite). Then Matt, my family, and I spend the day outdoors either hiking, swimming, or doing something adventurous. Later, we all prepare a delicious dinner together (because it’s fun to cook with other people). The night ends with a campfire and s’mores. Voila! My perfect day. 🙂
9. Who do you look to for style inspiration or advice?
My sister is the main person I go to for advice. (Just look at the pic to the right. She’s obviously always had great fashion sense, while I dress like an old man.) But now I force Matt to get in touch with his feminine side and tell me how my ensemble looks when I have my doubts. I also like perusing Pinterest and pretending like I’m trendy.
10. What are you too afraid to pursue right now, whether in your dreams, work, or relationships?
I don’t think there’s anything I’m too afraid to pursue right now, but I’d say there’s a lot I want to happen. The timing just isn’t right. I’m very happy with where I am in life, and over time, I believe my dreams will come true. 🙂
My Nominees
Ashley at Let’s Get Bananas
Heather at Fit ‘n’ Cookies
Reba at Not So Perfect Life
Sarah at How My World Runs
Karey at Nutty About Health
How It Works
1. Include the award logo on your blog or in a post.
2. Link to the person that nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs to let them know they have been nominated.
My Questions
1. What three words best describe you?
2. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
3. If you could go see a band in concert – alive/dead, together/separated – who would it be?
4. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?
5. If you could live in any TV show, which would you choose?
6. Do you prefer sweet or salty?
7. If you were offered a lifetime supply of one food or drink, what would you choose?
8. What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
9. If you could have one celebrity as a best friend, who would it be?
10. What is something most people don’t know about you?
Your turn…
What are your answers to any or all of the questions?
Aww thanks 🙂 Love this award. And you are too cute in that picture with your sister. I like that you would buy a private plane, I would prob do that too my family lives in Oklahoma and I miss them very much!
Haha thank you!!
Pretty freakin’ cute. Love hearing about your ‘perfect day.’ 🙂
Ya, forgot to warn you – your presence is required. All day.
The picture is a-maz-ing. Love it