I feel the need to share a completely pointless part of my day with you. Like I said in my post about using overripe fruit, I am really good at picking out bad fruit. Well, last night I bought some grapes at Wal-Mart, and they are the best grapes I have ever had in my life. They are plump and so crisp, and I can only believe they are a direct gift from God. I’m even eating the ones with spots, which I never do because I’m really picky and annoying about fruit quality.
I’d like to think I would share them if you were here, but I will not promise such a lie this.
Now that you are updated on my grape situation, I would like to tell you a story. It shall be called…
Being Ungraceful
This morning I put together a lower body-focused workout. I wanted it to be mainly strength and not a lot of cardio because any day I can get away with not wearing my running shoes, my blistered feet thank me.
The workout took me about 30-35 minutes to do twice. My legs were like jello, which I consider a workout success.
I updated the Exercise Guide, if you’re not familiar with any of the exercises. The only new one I added was the Clam Shells.
Following this very blue workout, I realized I was being ridiculously loud, walking around the house. I’m not the most graceful person ever, but I’m never THIS bad. From one of her past posts, Elyse at Sand Between My Sneakers described her thigh workout as giving her some swagger. I’d like to think my workout today has made me walk cool, but I know I just look like I have issues. All I can say is that I’m glad I don’t have to wear heels because it would not be a pretty sight with my tired legs.
A Very Unrelated Side-Note
Have you ever cried while running? Yesterday, I was running on the treadmill and watching Ellen, and someone’s breast cancer story made me tear up. It’s very difficult to run while fighting the urge to cry. Just thought I would let you know. So, don’t watch The Vow or any other sad movie while running. It really takes away from a workout.
Are you pretty good at buying fruit?
Apples are the trickiest for me. You can never tell if they’re mealy until you take a bit. Perhaps I should just taste-test my way through shopping from now on. I’m sure no one will mind.
How would you describe your walking after a good lower body workout?
I have Bambi legs that make my walking embarrassingly loud.
Last week, I did lower body on Tuesday. Waist down hurt until Friday. It was awesome 🙂
NICE! I love when the soreness lasts awhile. Makes me feel so intense.
It’s 6 a.m. and the idea of walking with “swagger” gained from doing hardcore lower body workouts is making me laugh out loud. Job well done.
I like it when it is hard to walk up and down (especially down for some reason) the stairs after a good lower body workout! And I always find it a hit of miss with peaches and nectarines. Sometimes they ripen to perfections other times they are mealy not sweet and just ew disgusting!
Ewww that’s the worst. I’m having the same experience with blueberries right now. They looked good a few days ago, but I’m realizing a lot are mushy and getting nasty. NOT cool.